Thursday, October 27, 2005

Andai ini Ramadhan yang terakhir...

wahai dikau...renungkanlah engkau akan nasib diri wahai qalbu...sedarkah engkau akan gerak hati wahai akal...terfikirkah engkau akan apa yang bakal terjadi

andai ini merupakan Ramadhan yang terakhir kali
buatmu sekujur jasad yang bakal berlalu pergi tatkala usia bernoktah di penghujung kehidupan duniawi apabila tiba saat tepat seperti yang dijanji Ilahi kematian...adalah sesuatu yang pasti

andai kau tahu ini Ramadhan terakhir
tentu siangnya engkau sibuk berzikir tentu engkau tak akan jemu melagukan syair rindu mendayu..merayu...kepada-NYA Tuhan yang satu andai kau tahu ini Ramadhan terakhir tentu sholatmu kau kerjakan di awal waktu solat yang dikerjakan...sungguh khusyuk lagi tawadhu'

tubuh dan qalbu...bersatu memperhamba diri
menghadap Rabbul Jalil... menangisi kecurangan janji "innasolati wanusuki wamahyaya wamamati lillahirabbil 'alamin" [sesungguhnya solatku, ibadahku, hidupku, dan matiku... kuserahkan hanya kepada Allah Tuhan seru sekelian alam]

andai kau tahu ini Ramadhan terakhir tidak akan kau sia siakan walau sesaat yang berlalu setiap masa tak akan dibiarkan begitu saja di setiap kesempatan juga masa yang terluang alunan Al-Quran bakal kau dendang...bakal kau syairkan

andai kau tahu ini Ramadhan terakhir
tentu malammu engkau sibukkan dengan bertarawih...berqiamullail...bertahajjud... mengadu...merintih...meminta belas kasih "sesungguhnya aku tidak layak untuk ke syurga-MU tapi...aku juga tidak sanggup untuk ke neraka-MU" oleh itu duhai Ilahi...kasihanilah daku hamba-MU ini

andai kau tahu ini Ramadhan terakhir
tentu dirimu tak akan melupakan mereka yang tersayang... mari kita meriahkan Ramadhan kita buru...kita cari...suatu malam idaman yang lebih baik dari seribu bulan

andai kau tahu ini Ramadhan terakhir
tentu engkau bakal menyediakan batin dan zahir mempersiap diri...rohani dan jasmani menanti-nanti jemputan Izrail di kiri dan kanan ...lorong-lorong ridha Ar-Rahman

duhai Ilahi.... andai ini Ramadhan terakhir buat kami jadikanlah ia Ramadhan paling berarti...paling berseri... menerangi kegelapan hati-hati kami menyeru ke jalan menuju ridha serta kasih sayang mu Ya Ilahi semoga bakal mewarnai kehidupan kami di sana nanti

namun teman...
tak akan ada manusia yang bakal mengetahui apakah Ramadhan ini merupakan yang terakhir kali bagi dirinya yang mampu bagi seorang hamba itu hanyalah berusaha...bersedia...meminta belas-NYA

dari seorang sahabat, Beauty...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear budson,

I perused your post (this post) with much interest as I was looking for ways to buy and sell highway construction project. Unfortunately your article was not exactly what I was looking for
highway construction project. But luckily there is a site I have found that allows you to buy and sell anything like highway construction project on interest free credit and you can pay for your highway construction project whenever you want. Here's the link one more time: highway construction project.

6:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear budson,

I perused your post (this post) with much interest as I was looking for ways to buy and sell private road construction. Unfortunately your article was not exactly what I was looking for
private road construction. But luckily there is a site I have found that allows you to buy and sell anything like private road construction on interest free credit and you can pay for your private road construction whenever you want. Here's the link one more time: private road construction.

11:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear budson,

I perused your post (this post) with much interest as I was looking for ways to buy and sell instant road repair. Unfortunately your article was not exactly what I was looking for
instant road repair. But luckily there is a site I have found that allows you to buy and sell anything like instant road repair on interest free credit and you can pay for your instant road repair whenever you want. Here's the link one more time: instant road repair.

6:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear budson,

I perused your post (this post) with much interest as I was looking for ways to buy and sell quality assurance highway construction. Unfortunately your article was not exactly what I was looking for
quality assurance highway construction. But luckily there is a site I have found that allows you to buy and sell anything like quality assurance highway construction on interest free credit and you can pay for your quality assurance highway construction whenever you want. Here's the link one more time: quality assurance highway construction.

12:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear budson,

I perused your post (this post) with much interest as I was looking for ways to buy and sell road construction safety equipment. Unfortunately your article was not exactly what I was looking for
road construction safety equipment. But luckily there is a site I have found that allows you to buy and sell anything like road construction safety equipment on interest free credit and you can pay for your road construction safety equipment whenever you want. Here's the link one more time: road construction safety equipment.

1:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear budson,

I perused your post (this post) with much interest as I was looking for ways to buy and sell how to repair a road bicycle. Unfortunately your article was not exactly what I was looking for
how to repair a road bicycle. But luckily there is a site I have found that allows you to buy and sell anything like how to repair a road bicycle on interest free credit and you can pay for your how to repair a road bicycle whenever you want. Here's the link one more time: how to repair a road bicycle.

9:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear budson,

I perused your post (this post) with much interest as I was looking for ways to buy and sell private road construction. Unfortunately your article was not exactly what I was looking for
private road construction. But luckily there is a site I have found that allows you to buy and sell anything like private road construction on interest free credit and you can pay for your private road construction whenever you want. Here's the link one more time: private road construction.

8:13 PM  

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